Saturday, March 27, 2010


Welcome to my Web/site and blog. I am so happy you are taking the time to check out this little project of mine and support me in this endeavor.

I've been working on this site now for the last several weeks, and trying to get it "just so." It has really taken a lot of time and effort, and it is something that I want to be proud of, and especially, reach people with. It is not quite where I want it to be, but I know that it will get there and I feel comfortable enough with it now to put it out there. I have all the pages up I was planning on for now -- the information on them are not quite complete (I still have a lot of things I need to add), but I know I can slowly keep at it.  I am still playing around with the design, and hope to improve the pages' look and feel.

Honestly, I don't really know how I came up with this idea. At some point in the past couple of months I realized I needed some kind of creative outlet for my grief. However, I knew I wanted my outlet to be something that could make a bit of an impact, and help people who have suffered (or will suffer) the same kind of loss that I have. When we were in the hospital, every little act of kindness meant everything. Every little gift, no matter how small, brought us a bit of comfort. Thanks to many people we know, did not know and know now and those we have never met, we have lots of mementos we can remember Jackson with. I tried to think of something that I could contribute to families of stillborn babies while they are still in the hospital, thus, for some reason, knitting baby blankets came to mind. There is nothing better than wrapping up in a nice, cozy warm blanket. I always feel more comforted, warm and peaceful. Every blanket we got for Jackson I was so excited to use. I imagined swaddling him in them, laying them on the floor so he could play on them and mostly just snuggling with him in my arms. We kept the Winnie-the-Pooh receiving blanket we had Jackson wrapped up in while in the hospital, and I still hold it almost everyday. 

A few years ago, I tried to pick up knitting. I pretty much taught myself, with a few tips from my mother-in-law. Unfotunately, I never got past scarves and at some point put the needles down. I thought knitting would be a somewhat comforting thing -- it doesn't take a lot of energy and I can pretty much do it whenever. Once I came up with the idea, I wanted to get started right away. I felt (and still feel) I didn't have the patience to take a class, learn a pattern, etc ... so for my first blanket, I just started knitting away. I made my best guess on how many stitches to cast on, and went on my way. I dropped a few stitches with my first attempt, and ended up undoing the whole thing. I went out and bought some longer needles, and the second try has been going much, much better. I estimate I am just over halfway on blanket No. 1. There's nothing fancy to it. Maybe as time goes on my blankets will get a little fancier, but I really just want something to bring a little bit of comfort to a family. I am trying to aim for receiving-blanket size.


  1. Oh Rebecca. Joy, Anna and I just looked at your site and are, of course, in tears. It really is beautiful and we are so happy you are using your talents in such a wonderful way. I had recently been talking to my friend Sherrie about knitting and she promised to teach me. I will make it my new mission to learn. Thanks for doing this. What a great tribute to your beautiful boy.

  2. Rebecca,
    This site is a beautiful thing...I've read and looked at every part of it. What a wonderful way to remember Jackson and to reach out to others. Thanks so very very much for taking the time to do this!

  3. Your blog is beautiful. I think what you are doing is such a wonderful way to remember Jackson. Thank you for sharing this with us. Your pictures are beautiful.


  4. Caroline (Cloeter) KoenigMarch 28, 2010 at 6:22 PM

    I have been praying for you ever since I heard about Jackson and think of you and Brent often. I don't know what to say--I cannot even imagine what you are going through. I think what you are doing is a beautiful way to remember your son and to help others. If there is any way I can help, please let me know. I have been knitting for a few years now and know how therapeutic it can be. If you need yarn, needles, or just someone to talk to I can help. I hope you can find comfort in knowing your dear, sweet boy is with Jesus and you will see him again.
    In Christ,

  5. Rebecca-

    This is a beautiful blanket, and a wonderful website! I think it is a great way to remember Jackson and to pass his love on to other families.

    I feel like that FB comment I made once about knitting may have nudged you in this direction, and if it did, I'm so glad! I'll try to make some room on the needles for a blanket too, or maybe warp one up on the loom. I'd like to help out.

    Thinking of you always out in DC...

  6. Rebecca ~ What a beautiful way to touch the lives that are affected by such a loss. I was just thinking the other day about taking up knitting again. You never know what God is going to do in your life and I am only thankful that you listened and you have found a way to carry on Jackson Zimmerman in a very loving and warm way of remembrance. Hugs, love and honor to you & Brent, in remembrance of Jackson always.

  7. You're doing such a wonderful thing, Rebecca. Turning your pain into help for others shows the unbelievable amount character and integrity you have.

    I have never knitted before, but if you would be willing to teach me, I would love to help you make blankets. Maybe we could get together in the evenings once in a while and have a "knitting party."

    Your website looks beautiful. It is a perfect way to keep Jackson, and all stillborn babies on the minds of all who visit here.

  8. Rebecca, I have always been proud of you, and now I am even prouder to discover that you have found a way to keep Jackson's memory alive. We think of you and Brent everyday and are proud of both of you for finding the strength from God to help you through this difficult time. Love, Mom

  9. I found your site through Angela, I am a fellow NILMDTS volunteer photographer. I can't tell you how absolutely wonderful your project is. Seeing the faces of families who get an unexpected gift from just someone who cares and knows what they have been through is priceless.

    This is an amazing tribute to your son. I can't wait to see how it takes off.

  10. Becca~I'm so proud of you! This is an amazing project. I remember you were thinking about doing the blankets but I'm really excited about your blog. I'm so glad that you have found an outlet for your grief and what ever I can do to help and support your endeavors, please let me know! I think of and pray for you and Brent every day and I love you both so much! God is good and I'm so excited to see where He leads you with your project.

  11. I am lost for words....God's love and my hugs, BethAnn

  12. I have only knit one blanket in my life, and it took me six years! Needless to say, it is not my forte. Remind me to show it to you when you are here this summer! Can't wait to see you and Brent. Your blog site is well done. So proud of you - Aunt Tracy
